Vampiren Veil
On a stormy Transylvanian night, a weary traveller stands before imposing black iron gates. The overgrown path behind them winds towards a distant forgotten castle, its grandeur now shrouded in decay. With the storm's fury escalating and no shelter for miles, the traveller forsakes his instinct to leave, pushing the gate open. The wrought iron groans under his touch, protesting the intrusion. Walking down the neglected path, a sense of unease sets in, quickening his heartbeat and dampening his palms with dread. Yet, an intriguing aroma drifts from a distance, impossible to ignore, the traveller surrenders to its seductive allure.
He wanders the meandering paths of the courtyard. Above, a raven caws, its ominous cry piercing the air - a warning amidst the silence. Still the scent intensifies and persuades him to continue into the entrance hall. Aged portraits stare down at him as he explores the winding corridors.
Within the walls of the castle, an undying creature waits, silent and breathless with anticipation. A cruel smile stretches over her crimson lips as the traveller delves deeper into her domain.
A chill claws its way up the travellers spine as he pushes open the final creaking wooden door and finds the creature standing there, ethereal and poised in statuesque stillness. Her beauty, like a delicate mask, conceals her lethal nature and soullessness. In his final lucid moments, he grows drunk on her scent and hypnotised by her empty, blood-red eyes, stumbles into her waiting embrace, She gazes down upon her prey, her insatiable hunger demanding immediate relief.
To all those who wander this land, take this tale as a warning to beware the Vampiren Veil, a scent so alluring and deep. For those who wear it, never sleep.